bigip_snmp_trap - Manipule les informations d'interruption SNMP sur une BIG-IP bigip_software_update - Gère les paramètres de mise à jour logicielle d'un BIG-IP bigip_ssl_certificate - Importer / Supprimer des certificats de BIG-IP bigip_ssl_key - Importer / Supprimer les clés SSL de BIG-IP bigip_static_route - Manipule des routes statiques sur une BIG-IP bigip_sys_db - Gestion des
1 Jun 2010 I've recently been working on a project where I needed to get a development site running using SSL on IIS 7. If its the first time you've done this
win_mapped_drive - maps a network drive for a user win_msg - Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts. win_msi **(D)** - Installs and uninstalls Windows MSI files Ele gera um certificado auto assinado, configura um listener SSL no WinRM na porta 5986 (5985 é a padrão sem SSL), Cria o Website/VirtualHost (win_iis_website, linha 25) ansible所有的模块均可以在服务器上使用命令进行查看,查看所有模块使用ansible-doc -l查看模块的参数和用法可以使用anisble-doc -s module所有模块一览Aa10_server 管理A10 Networks AX / SoftAX / Thunder / vThunder设备a10_service_group 管理A10网络设备的服务组a10_virtua 2016-01-24 win_iis_website - Configures a IIS Web site. win_lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression. win_mapped_drive - maps a network drive for a user; win_msg - Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts. win_msi - Installs and uninstalls Windows MSI files bigip_ssl_certificate bigip_ssl_key bigip_static_route bigip_sys_db bigip_sys_global bigip_timer_policy bigip_traffic_group bigip_trunk bigip_tunnel bigip_ucs bigip_ucs_fetch win_iis_website win_lineinfile win_mapped_drive win_msg win_msi win_nssm win_owner win_package win_pagefile win_path win_pester win_ping win_power_plan win_product node(结点):网络连接的端点,或两条(或多条)线路的连接点。结点可以是处理器、控制器或工作站。结点随其功能不同而各不相同,他们可以通过链路互联在一起,在网络中用作控制点。 ansible所有的模块均可以在服务器上使用命令进行查看,查看所有模块使用ansible doc l 查看模块的参数和用法可以使用anisble doc s module 所有模块一览 A B C publishing remote desktop gateway through web application proxy, I am trying to use Remote Desktop connection on Linux. After some research, it seems that xfreerdp can do what I need. This is how you use a remote desktop gateway but as of writing I think there may be a problem with sslv3 support in the version I used which is FreeRDP version 1.1.0-beta1 (git Run the win_iis_webssite module with 'ssl' option set to true.
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win_lineinfile Ensure a particular line is 我可以创建和配置应用程序池,但我正在努力使用该网站。基本站点工作,HTTPS / SSL仍然很麻烦,但我读到正在处理的win_iis_website / win_iis_webbinding脚本 LTM pool members · bigip_profile_client_ssl - Manages client SSL profiles on a win_iis_webbinding - Configures a IIS Web site binding · win_iis_website modify or dele acme_certificate Create SSL certificate add_host add a host IIS Web Appl win_iis_webbinding Configures a IIS Web s win_iis_website Generate an OpenSSL private key with the default values (4096 bits, RSA) - openssl_privatekey: path: /etc/ssl/private/ # Generate an OpenSSL 17 Aug 2016 Run the win_iis_webssite module with 'ssl' option set to true. - name: IIS | Create Website with SSL Binding win_iis_website: name: "SSLSite" Crypto · ecs_certificate – Request SSL/TLS certificates with the Entrust Certificate win_iis_webbinding – Configures a IIS Web site binding · win_iis_website 16 Jul 2017 Ele gera um certificado auto assinado, configura um listener SSL no Cria o Website/VirtualHost (win_iis_website, linha 25); Abre a porta do 26 Aug 2016 win_iis_webbinding; win_iis_website; win_lineinfile; win_nssm big_ip modules now support turning off ssl certificate validation (use only 2018年3月28日 validate_certs:默认yes,如果no,SSL证书将不会验证。这只应在使用自签名 证书 win_iis_website - Configures a IIS Web site. win_lineinfile a IIS Web site binding. win_iis_website Configures a IIS Web site. win_lineinfile Ensure DEPLOIEMENT DU CLIENT SSL SSL VPN Direction des Systèmes 2016年3月20日 Pool. win_iis_webbinding (E) - Configures a IIS Web site.
[ansible-project] Re: Ansible win_iis_website module Jordan Borean Wed, 25 Apr 2018 14:56:37 -0700 Are you trying to install this on a server or desktop Windows OS. name: MyCustom_Web_Shop Run the win_iis_webssite module with 'ssl' option set to true. - name: IIS | Create Website with SSL Binding win_iis_website: name: "SSLSite" physical_path: "C:\Websites\SSLSite" application_pool: "SSLSite-AppPool" hostname: "" state: "present" ssl: true EXPECTED RESULTS Run the win_iis_webssite module with 'ssl' option set to true. - name: IIS | Create Website with SSL Binding win_iis_website: name: "SSLSite" physical_path: "C:\Websites\SSLSite" application_pool: "SSLSite-AppPool" hostname: "" state: "present" ssl: true EXPECTED RESULTS On a multisite IIS installation, running win_iis_webbinding while specifying name, ip, port, host_header and certificate_hash sets the SSL certificate on all sites to the latest value in the playbook, disregarding host_header and name options. Run two win_iis_webbinding plays with '*' as ip, 443 as port and different, particular values for name, host_header and certificate_hash.
win_iis_website – Configures a IIS Web site — Ansible Documentation How to add SSL certificate to AWS EC2 with the help of new AWS Certificate Manager service.
2020-12-01 · # Start a website-name: Acme IIS site win_iis_website: name: "Acme" state: started port: 80 ip: hostname: acme.local application_pool: "acme" physical_path: c:\sites\acme parameters:\sites\logs register: website # Some commandline examples: # This return information about an existing host # $ ansible -i vagrant-inventory -m win_iis_website -a "name='Default Web Site'" window # host | success >> {# "changed": false, # "site": {# "ApplicationPool On a multisite IIS installation, running win_iis_webbinding while specifying name, ip, port, host_header and certificate_hash sets the SSL certificate on all sites to the latest value in the playbook, disregarding host_header and name options. Run two win_iis_webbinding plays with '*' as ip, 443 as port and different, particular values for name, -name: Add a HTTP binding on port 9090 name: Default Web Site port: 9090 state: present-name: Remove the HTTP binding on port 9090 name: Default Web Site port: 9090 state: absent-name: Remove the default http binding name: Default Web Site port: 80 ip: '*' state: absent-name: Add a HTTPS binding name: Default Web Site protocol: https port win_iis_webbinding - Configures a IIS Web site. You are reading an unmaintained version of the Ansible documentation. Unmaintained Ansible versions can contain unfixed security vulnerabilities (CVE). Please upgrade to a maintained version.
New in version 2.0. # Start a website-name: Acme IIS site win_iis_website: name: Acme state: started port: 80 ip: hostname: acme.local application_pool: acme physical_path: C:\sites\acme parameters:\sites\logs register: website # Remove Default Web Site and the standard port 80 binding-name: Remove Default Web Site win_iis_website: name: "Default Web Site" state: absent # Some commandline examples: # This return information about an existing host # $ ansible -i vagrant-inventory
- name: create IIS_Site site win_iis_website: name: IIS_Site state: started port: 743 ssl: true application_pool: DefaultAppPool physical_path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IIS_Site - name: set https binding for IIS_Site site win_iis_webbinding: name: IIS_Site protocol: https certificate_hash: " {{ CERT_THUMBPRINT }} " port: 743 state: present
SUMMARY Using win_iis_website to setup a website and trying to also set the default document. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME win_iis_website ANSIBLE VERSION ansible 2.6.1 config file = ansible.cfg configured module search path = [u
The basic site works, HTTPS/SSL is still troublesome, but I read there are some bugs in the win_iis_website/win_iis_webbinding scripts that are being worked on. The part I'm stuck with are IIS' features per site. In IIS (in the GUI) there are sub-features that can be configured for a site:
# Start a website-name: Acme IIS site win_iis_website: name: "Acme" state: started port: 80 ip: hostname: acme.local application_pool: "acme" physical_path: c:\sites\acme parameters:\sites\logs register: website # Some commandline examples: # This return information about an existing host # $ ansible -i vagrant-inventory -m win_iis_website -a "name='Default Web Site'" window # host | success >> {# "changed": false, # "site": {# "ApplicationPool
# Start a website - name: Acme IIS site win_iis_website: name: Acme state: started port: 80 ip: hostname: acme.local application_pool: acme physical_path: C:\sites\acme parameters:\sites\logs register: website # Remove Default Web Site and the standard port 80 binding - name: Remove Default Web Site win_iis_website: name: "Default Web Site" state: absent # Some commandline examples: # This return information about an existing host # $ ansible -i vagrant
2021-04-01 · win_iis_website: name: " Ansible Test Site " state: started: port: 8080: physical_path: " {{ ansible_site_path }} " - name: Open site's port on firewall: win_firewall_rule: name: mysite8080: enable: yes: state: present: localport: 8080: action: Allow: direction: In: protocol: Tcp: force: true: tags: firewall - name: create deploy staging path
Actually, module is not failed, but created HTTP binding instead of HTTPS - name: Create site win_iis_website: name: "test" physical_path: 'Path_to_site_folder' port: 443 ssl: application_pool: "test" state: started
Hello guys, Does anyone know if it is possible and how to upload and install a SSL certificate on to IIS with ansible? From what I understand win_iis_webbinding is only making a binding to a site with an existent certificate
The IP address to bind to / use for the new site.
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Enables HTTPS binding on the site..
win_lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression. win_mapped_drive - maps a network drive for a user win_msg - Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts.
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12 Dec 2019 LDAP over SSL (LDAPS). Install the certificates on your machine where you're running docker on. During the installation provide the path to root
After some research, it seems that xfreerdp can do what I need. This is how you use a remote desktop gateway but as of writing I think there may be a problem with sslv3 support in the version I used which is FreeRDP version 1.1.0-beta1 (git Run the win_iis_webssite module with 'ssl' option set to true. - name: IIS | Create Website with SSL Binding win_iis_website: name: "SSLSite" physical_path: "C:\Websites\SSLSite" application_pool: "SSLSite-AppPool" hostname: "" state: "present" ssl: true EXPECTED RESULTS On a multisite IIS installation, running win_iis_webbinding while specifying name, ip, port, host_header and certificate_hash sets the SSL certificate on all sites to the latest value in the playbook, disregarding host_header and name options. Run two win_iis_webbinding plays with '*' as ip, 443 as port and different, particular values for name, Install Windows SSL Certificate on Windows 2012 & 2016 (IIS 8, 8.5 & 10) Server. First, go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. In the Connections pane on the left, click on your server’s hostname. In the middle pane, you should see various options for your server.